My Vision...

I am not a PROFESSIONAL writer or an expert and I don't write to be politically correct or to IMPRESS the readers.
Writing is my passion.It's madness!
I wish to portray my ideologies and perspective.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You are the MOULDER of your own destiny. (Part 1)

 "Once you begin to understand and truly master your thoughts and feeling,thats when you see how you create your own reality,thats where your freedom is,thats where all your power is".

Its very true that in your life,your actions are the reflections of your innermost thoughts and feelings.And later these thoughts becomes a true-dictator of your life and a dominating  factor which apparently not only moulds your destiny but also whole life.A person with clear,simple thoughts always have an edge over a pessimist who sees nothing but difficulty in every opportunity. Destiny undoubtedly has its own design and no one can challenge or question its destiny but somewhere its your thoughts and actions which may show you a clear picture of where your destiny is going to lead you and what it gives you is a CLEAR VISION.
A person with clear ideas know exactly what he is meant to do and whats the purpose of hiss life but a person with vague,hazy thoughts takes his own life just to figure out the FINAL DESTINATION.
"You are the designer of your own destiny.You are the author.You write the story.The pen is in your hands,the outcome is whatever you chose and intend"

Part-2 (To be updated soon)


  1. Beautifull!! Thank you for sharing!! This is a way I'm "trying" to live my life. I know it, I use it, but there is still lot more to learn for me.

    I'm waiting for part 2 =D

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